i-Zen Sounding Board

“I now see how owning our story and loving ourselves through that process is the bravest thing that we will ever do.”  - Brené Brown

“I now see how owning our story and loving ourselves through that process is the bravest thing that we will ever do.”  - Brené Brown

Are you at the crossroad of your career?
Do you feel you may have hit the glass ceiling?
Are you a perfectionist who still feels you are not good enough?
Are you pre-occupied with how others judge you?
In relationships, do you tend to seek approval or recognition from others?
Have you been keeping yourself busy to fill the vacuum of your bereavement or loss?

If the above questions make you feel uncomfortable, uneasy, or even defensive, let’s talk about it.
I have created a flexible single-session consultation called Sounding Board if you wish to chat/talk but are not quite ready to seek counselling just yet.

A sounding board is a session with someone you can share your #thoughts, #concerns, and #ideas rather than thinking and contemplating alone.
This concept has been widely used across industries and professions including medical, insurance, education, corporate, and performing arts.

Sounding Board
- offers a private moment to speak your thoughts, contemplate, and reflect.
- encourages objective self-evaluation in a confidential environment to “hear” and “see” your own thoughts being spoken out loud without being judged.

Food for Thought:
When faced with on-going personal or professional issues, having someone we could talk to can make you feel less alone with your problems.

i-Zen Sounding Board Objective No 1

i-Zen Sounding Board,  we offer you a #private moment with a listening ear :

  • to speak your thoughts
  • to contemplate
  • to reflect

i-Zen Sounding Board Objective No 2

i-Zen Sounding Board, we encourages #objective self-evaluation:

  • by providing you a confidential environment
  • to “hear” and “see” your own thoughts
  • to freely speak out loud 
  • to speak without being judged